Praise for the First Edition
"It's not easy to lead Christianly, but for those who want to examine the best thinking on what it means to be a servant-leader, Banks and Ledbetter have compiled a broad and helpful survey of the recent literature."
Marshall Shelley, vice president, Christianity Today International; editor, Leadership Journal
"This book is more than a dry bibliography of the literature on leadership. Banks and Ledbetter have crafted a theological and spiritual reflection on leadership for service in the world that is both timely and timeless. This is an indispensable guide for those who teach and nurture leaders."
R. Paul Stevens, David J. Brown Family Professor of Marketplace Theology and Leadership, Regent College
"This book is a wellspring of knowledge about the intersection of leadership and Christian worldviews. Its ecumenical breadth and analytical depth can guide Christians from many traditions in shaping leadership for both the church and society. This resource should be embraced by all who care deeply about the theory and practice of Christian leadership."
Shirley J. Roels, Calvin College
"Every wise leader I know learns from the past and applies it to the future. Books on leadership abound, yet anyone who begins a serious study of this subject needs to become familiar with the broad history of leadership development, both its theory and its practice. Wouldn't it be wonderful if one book contained some of the most insightful writings and thoughts from past to present? Reviewing Leadership is such a book and should be on every Christian leader's bookshelf."
Carson Pue, president, Arrow Leadership Ministries