“In this thought-provoking book, leading scholars from five distinct viewpoints come together to discuss key questions concerning natural theology. Through their engaging and insightful dialogue, this volume provides a comprehensive and balanced overview of the subject. It is a must-read for scholars and students of philosophy and theology as well as for anyone interested in exploring the relationship between faith and reason.”
Yujin Nagasawa, professor of philosophy and Kingfisher College Chair in Philosophy of Religion and Ethics, University of Oklahoma
“As we navigate our increasingly post-Christian world, few doctrines will prove as pivotal as natural theology for an effective and informed witness. We who were made ‘a little lower than the angels’ have received God’s material creation and our immaterial conscience as gifts to steward, but frequently we don’t know where to begin, much less how to integrate them into a theological and philosophical framework. The views represented in this work, and the collegiality with which its authors present them, will guide twenty-first-century Christians in their consideration of the often-overlooked doctrine of natural theology.”
Katie J. McCoy, director of women’s ministry, Texas Baptists