Part 1: Up the Greek without a Paddle: This Thing Called Grammar
1. There's No Place Like Rome: The Parts of Speech and Their Function
2. Group Therapy: The Sentence and Its Parts
Part 2: The Greeks Had a Word for It: The Greek Noun System
3. Just in Case: Overcoming Declension Apprehension
4. The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Adjectives Large and Small
5. Woe Is I: Overcoming Pronoun Paranoia
6. Have Mercy on Me, the Sinner: Those Articulate Articles
7. Up, Up, and Away: Those Preposterous Prepositions
Part 3: Rho, Rho, Rho Your Boat: The Greek Verb System
8. Tense Times with Verbs (1): An Overview of Greek Inflections
9. Tense Times with Verbs (2): Interpreting the Greek Tenses
10. To Be or Not to Be: The Infinitive
11. Going, Going, Gone: The Participle
12. It's a Small Word after All: Adverbs, Conjunctions, and Particles
Part 4: From Alpha to Omega: Finishing Touches
13. A Cure for Clausetrophobia: Greek Clauses
14. To Koine Phrase: The Greek of the New Testament
Key to the Exercises
Appendix 1: Greek Verb Conjugations
Appendix 2: Principal Parts of Selected Verbs