“What a rich source of information! David deSilva provides details and pictures that provoke the imaginations of all New Testament readers. The narratives surrounding the life and ministry of the apostle Paul and his associates come freshly to life with deSilva’s discussions and depictions. Archaeological findings can assist our understanding of the Bible. David deSilva interacts with those findings and combines his knowledge of the New Testament to create an indispensable tool for group or individual study.”
Dennis R. Edwards, dean and vice president of church relations, North Park Theological Seminary
David A. deSilva (PhD, Emory University) is Trustees' Distinguished Professor of New Testament and Greek at Ashland Theological Seminary in Ashland, Ohio. He is the author of more than thirty books on the New Testament and Second Temple Period Jewish literature, including Introducing the Apocrypha, Discovering Revelation, Judea Under Greek and Roman Rule, and commentaries on Hebrews, Galatians, and Ephesians. He is also an ordained elder in the Global Methodist Church.